On 17 September a group of sixteen
Association Members, including Gordon Lewis, a ‘local‘, visited
Roll-Royce (R-R) Bristol at the invitation of Jock Heron, also a
Member, Chairman of the Roll-Royce Heritage Trust (R-RHT).
We were met by Jock, Gordon and Ralph Denning at the Whittle
House Conference Centre where, as we enjoyed coffee and biscuits after
our long drive, we could admire a dismantled Pegasus. All its major
assemblies: fan, compressor, plenum chamber etc, were mounted on stands
and lined up longitudinally so that the whole engine was stretched out over
about fifteen feet; most instructive.
Also on show was a very early
Pegasus 3, a Pegasus 5 bearing a plaque naming it as an
“International Historic Engineering Landmark” awarded by the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Institute of Mechanical
Engineers, and a current Pegasus 11-61. A lift fan for the F-35B
Lightning II and a working model of its associated
three-rotating-segment articulated nozzle completed the engine
Visit To
Rolls-Royce And The Heritage Trust

were also a number of models of interest, including the original
Wibault Gyroptere engine, the Dornier Do31 which had two Pegasus 5s,
the BS100 powered P.1154, a large Kestrel model and a large
model of a Pegasus 11-61 complete with zero scarfe nozzles.
In a
conference room Jock Heron told us a bit about the R-RHT which was
formed in 1981 and now has five branches representing the companies
that were absorbed into R-R.
Next came a presentation, on R-R today, by
our host, Francis Kearney, Senior Vice President European Business
& Aftermarket Sales. There are, he told us, four markets for
products totalling £9.1 bn annually: civil and defence aerospace
representing 49% and 19% respectively, marine propulsion 24% and the
energy industries 8%. Of these markets 48% is original equipment and
42% services. R-R is starting to develop a fifth market, nuclear power.
R-R employs 38,900 people in fifty countries, has an order book worth
£55.8 bn and annual profits of £880m. In the USA R-R has invested $120m
in what was the Allison Engine plant at Indianapolis where there are
now 4,000 employees. An important product here is the T-56 turboprop
for the C-130 Hercules and other transports.
Francis went on to
describe the range of engines currently produced and supported by R-R
in all fields. For combat aircraft out-of-production engines are the
Pegasus in the Harrier with support to at least 2018, the RB199 in the
Tornado and the Viper in the MB339 in large scale service in many
countries. In production are the EJ200 for the Typhoon, the Adour for
the Hawk, and the lift system (remote fan and articulated nozzle) for
the JSF F-35B Lightning II.
In development jointly with General
Electric (low pressure section by R-R, high pressure section by GE)
under US Department of Defense funding is the F136, as an alternative
engine for the JSF.
Engines are also provided for tactical aircraft,
importantly the C-130 Hercules, and helicopters, and of course for
large numbers of airliners by Boeing, Airbus etc.
There are more than
20,000 R-R military engines installed worldwide. R-R sales are No.2 in
the world and No.1 in Europe. Of all the world’s installed engines 23%
are R-R vs. 33% to GE, the leader.
Next we went to the R-RHT Museum in the Sir Roy Fedden Centre where Jock Heron, Patrick Hassell,
the Trust Deputy Chairman, and Peter Pavey, the R-RHT Branch Secretary,
showed us round in groups. There are far too many engines to list
because the collection covers everything from Bristol’s earliest piston
engines to modern jets via early Whittle/Power Jets, Halford /de
Havilland and R-R turbojets.
Some highlights were a Power Jets W.2/700
and a DH Goblin representing early Whittle and Halford centrifugal
compressor engines, double sided and single sided respectively. A
cut-away Centaurus was hugely impressive as was its gear train
displayed separately in a glass case like a beautiful work of art,
which it is.
Another work of art was a Pegasus prototype plenum chamber
burning combustion unit, a very complex piece fabricated from hand
formed and welded sheet metal, which would not look out of place in the
Tate Modern sculpture gallery. A rare type on display was a DH Gyron as
flown on the Short Sperrin and intended for the prototype P.1121.
R-R Bristol carries out gas turbine manufacture, assembly and
test and
after lunch in the very nice R-R restaurant we were taken by Mike
Chaplin and Jerry Fussel, Process Supporters for Adour/Pegasus and
EJ200, to visit the factory. At first sight this looked more like a
huge, lofty, quiet, open plan office than an engine factory but as we
were shown round some signs of engine build became apparent amongst the
computer work stations, component storage racks and benches. However,
it must be said that the place was not a hive of activity.
The whole
building, spotless in every respect, was divided into colour coded
areas, a different colour for each engine, all components arriving in
containers of the relevant colour so that a wrong item would be
immediately apparent. As well as complete EJ200 and Adour engines,
which are assembled in the vertical position, the F-35B lift
system is
also built here. This was altogether a very impressive facility as
befits a world-class engine supplier.
Back at the Whittle Centre
we said goodbye to our most attentive hosts and thanked them for what
had been a fascinating visit from both historical and contemporary
technological viewpoints.