Newsletter 15
? Winter 2006
Updated on 9Dec2006
Aviation Heritage Project
Dunsfold Wings & Wheels
Female Angle
Flight Test from a Desk
Harrier News
Hawk News
Graduate Apprentices
Hawker People News
Hugh Merewether
  1924 - 2006, Test Pilot
  Flight Development
  Faster, Higher, Further
  Spinning With Hugh
JSF Progress
Sea Furies at Reno
Sea Harrier ZA195
Sea Hawk Recovered
Sir Sydney & Sir George
Sopwith & Bradshaw
Summer's Day at Dunsfold
Vulcan to the Skies
Published by the Hawker Association
for the Members.
Contents © Hawker Association


Programme for 2006-7 at December 2006

* = to be confirmed
Wed 13th December Christmas Lunch for Members and partners
Wed 10th January Social with Quiz by Les Palmer
Wed 14th February "The easyJet story; why pay more?" - Sir Colin Chandler
Wed 14th March "The Tripartite Evaluation Squadron" - Air Cdre David Scrimgeour
Wed 11th April AGM with video
Wed 9th May "Anything but Aircraft" - Revd Vernon Lidstone
Wed 13th June Summer Barbecue
Wed 11th July "Joint Force Harrier Operations from Cottesmore" - Cdr Adrian Orchard
Wed 8th August Social with video
Wed 12th September * Social if visit arranged for September
Wed 10th October * Chris Roberts
Wed 14th November "Fifty-three Years of Flying" - Clive Rustin
Wed 12th December Christmas lunch - 12.30 pm.

Unless stated otherwise, meetings are at the Hawker Centre - the old Sports & Social Club - and start at 2.00 pm. Lunch and drinks are available beforehand, tea afterwards, and there is a large, free car park.
     This year the Christmas Lunch is open to partners. Tickets at £15 each, including a drink, are available from Jan White and Ken Batstone at meetings, or from Jan on 020 88760210. Cheques payable to the Hawker Association, please.

Sir Colin Chandler was, among many other things, our General Manager when we were the K-B Division of BAe, and is now Chairman of easyJet.

 David Scrimgeour was the CO of the Kestrel Evaluation Squadron so will talk to us from first hand experience.

Vernon Lidstone was Kingston's Commercial Director, retiring from business to become ordained and has worked for 15 years in the Prison Service.

Cdr Adrian Orchard is the CO of 800 NAS at Cottesmore and Clive Rustin is best known to Hawkers through his test flying work at RAE Bedford and the A&AEE.