Archived News Items 2010 updated 23Feb2011
Items that have been on the News page but are no longer current are generally transferred to an archive.
On Wednesday 8 December 49 members and guests enjoyed the 8th Annual Hawker Association Christmas Lunch. Story including Audio clips, photos.
On Wednesday 8 December the Xmas Lunch is at the Hawker Centre commencing at 12.30 for 1pm; NOTE the earlier time; Details and Menu. There will NOT be a committee meeting in the morning.
On 1 December (Wednesday) regretfully the RAeS RKP talk at Brooklands has been cancelled due to snow. It will be reschedule for some time next year.
Gordon Lewis' memorial service (a non religious affair) will be held in the BAWA, Bristol, on Monday 22 November at 14:30. Tributes will be paid by colleagues and the event will close formally at 1525 to witness a fly past by Harrier(s) at 15:30. Afterwards the family has invited the guests to return indoors for light refreshments.
Bob Casbard’s funeral will take place at the Guildford Crematorium in New Pond Rd on Monday 22nd November at 12:00hrs. No flowers by request, donations to the Brookland Museum or Cancer Research. Enquiries to Cranleigh Funeral Services on 01483275758. All are invited to then proceed to The Withies Inn in Compton for refreshments. The Withies is about a mile away on the B3000 heading towards the A3. There is a sign to the Inn on the right hand side as you enter the village of Compton. I hope to see those of you who can make it at the funeral. Regards from Bob Williams.
On 19th November 2010 a celebration lunch was held by the Hawker Association, at Brooklands Museum, to mark the 50th anniversary of the first untethered hover of the P.1127. More, in Newsletter, photos.
On Wednesday 10 November John Parker will talk on the BAE Systems heritage plans. There will be a committee meeting in the morning
On Thursday November 4th Hawker Association Member Dr Michael Pryce is giving a lecture to the Royal Aeronautical Society Historical Branch on the Hawker P.1154 project. It is at 6.00 pm in the lecture theatre at Hamilton Place, with refreshments from 5.30 pm.
30 October 2010 Newsletter 28 (Autumn) is available online. It includes stories on the 14 July talk by Mick Mansell on ‘Experiences with new technology’, and the visit to the de Havilland Aircraft Heritage Centre on 6 Oct.
On Monday 25 October at 11:00 the funeral of Ron Mears will take place at Randalls Park Crematorium followed by a memorial service at 12 noon at Ruxley Church with refreshments there afterwards; everyone is welcome. Sadly Ron died as a result of heart failure on 5 October at Galsworthy House nursing home in Kingston.
THE BRISTOL CONNECTION. On 21 October a symposium is to be held at Filton to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Bristol Aeroplane Company. This all-
Fifty years ago on October 21st the first hover of the P1127 took place at Dunsfold.
On 13th October some 75 Members came to the Hawker Centre to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first tethered hover of the P.1127 (XP831). More, photos.
On Wed 13 October, prior to the talk by Dick Poole on The Royal Aero Club Trust, your Association will be marking this important anniversary with a complimentary glass of wine for members. We will also show video footage of the actual event. If you are able to join us on this occasion please arrive by the earlier time of 1 pm and help to celebrate the beginning of the Harrier’s vital contribution to British aviation History. There will be a committee meeting in the morning at the earlier time of 11:00.
On Wed 6 October there is a visit to the de Havilland Museum, Map. Meet there at 13:50.
On October 3rd Gordon Lewis, who originated the design of the Bristol Pegasus, sadly died. We all owe a great deal to Gordon and Ralph Hooper, without them our careers and lives would have been very different and possibly poorer. There will be a private family cremation on Saturday 9th October. Later in the year there will be a separate memorial service for Gordon which gives the family an opportunity to consider, with the Company, how best to mark the passing of one of our great aero engineers. Such an arrangement will give his many friends and colleagues the opportunity to pay their own respects in an appropriate manner. ordon gave a talk to the Association on 14 June 2004.
On Tuesday 28 September at 15:30 the funeral of Len Woodward will take place at Randalls Park Crematorium, Randalls Road, Leatherhead, KT22 0AG. It will be followed by refreshments at Woodlands Park Hotel, Woodlands Lane, Stoke D'abernon, Cobham, KT11 3QB. Len died around 8 September at the age of 89.
On Wed 8 September there will be a Social and video. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.
25 Aug 2010 Newsletter 27 (Summer) is available online. It includes stories on the following monthly talks:
10 Feb Aviation Art -
10 March Harrier Conversion Team -
12 May The Early Years Of The Pegasus -
Sadly on 24 August Dennis Mason died in Exeter hospital. He had been suffering from heart problems but died of pneumonia.
On 8 August Gordon Hodson suffered a brain haemorrhage and was taken into intensive care at Frimley Hospital. He is now in the stroke recovery ward and is slowly improving. You can send cards to him at Frimley Park Hospital, Ward 14, Portsmouth Road, Frimley, GU16 7UJ
14 June 2010 John Crampton Sad News. John died quietly and painlessly on Saturday 12 June. His funeral will take place at Guildford Cathedral on Thursday 1 July at 12 noon.
15 July 2010 The Brooklands Museum is planning to put on an event in the autumn to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain and the 75th anniversary of the Hurricane's first flight.
The Museum would like to invite any former Hawker employees from the 1935 to 1940 era who live in or near the Surrey area. If you are such a person, or know anyone who is, please contact Julian Temple at the Brooklands Museum, tel 01932 857381.
On Wed 14 July Mick Mansell will talk on ‘Experiences with New Technologies’.
11 June 2010 Garry Lockley Sad News. Gary died suddenly last week and his funeral will be at 15.30 on Wednesday 16th June at Aldershot Crematorium (Guildford Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4BP,01252 321 653, Map). Afterwards at The Princess Royal (Guildford Road, Runpold, Farnham, GU10 1NX, Map) from 16.00 -
On Wed 9 June there will be the annual BBQ with food served from 13:30; note the earlier time. Book with Ken Batstone, by June 2nd, on 01932 229938, details -
13 May 2010 John Crampton is out of hospital and is in the Knowle Park Nursing Home, Knowle Lane, Cranleigh, GU6 8TL (a google map or Multimap post code search seems to show 1500 yards to far West), phone 01483 275432. He is mentally alert but rather weak physically and would love to have visitors. From the Guildford direction Knowle Lane is a right turn off the High Street in the village centre. The nursing home is sign posted at the road junction and is about half a mile down Knowle Lane on the right with a prominent sign. No parking problems. If you know anyone who knows John please let them know.
On Wed 12 May George Dow will talk on The Pegasus engine -
At the AGM on 14th April the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer all reported on the continuing good health of the Association. Talks and events were well attended, membership had slightly increased and finances are sound. The retirement of our President, John Glasscock, was marked by the presentation to him of a painting of a Harrier by Colin Wilson; our new President is Sir Colin Chandler. The existing Chairman and Committee were re-
On Wed 14 April there is the Annual General Meeting; please support your Association. Notice of AGM and Membership renewal form as a PDF document. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.
On Wednesday 10 March AV-
On Wednesday 10 February Colin Wilson will talk on Aviation Art. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.
4 February. Sadly we have been informed of the death of Ken Causer. The funeral will take place on Monday 15th February at 12 noon, at St Joseph's Church, St Michael's Road, Basingstoke, RG22 6TY.
The committee regret that due to the continuing adverse weather and the prospect of more snow the Annual Quiz and the committee meeting scheduled for 13 January 2009 will NOT take place. If you are in contact with anyone who may go please let them know.
On 13 January 2010 there will be a Social gathering and the Annual Quiz compared by Les Palmer. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.