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Newsletter 1
Autumn 2002

updated 1Dec2002



The Hawker Association

The Brooklands Museum

Kingston Aviation

Hawker Websites

Kingston & Dunsfold

The Aeroplane

RAeS Lecture at


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Members may be interested to note that the Weybridge Branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society has invited Simon Hargreaves to talk on the flight testing of the Lockheed Martin/BAe Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).

Simon, who was a Dunsfold Harrier test pilot and is now based at Warton, carried out all of the early STOVL flying on the JSF aircraft. The

lecture will take place on Wednesday 15th January at the Brooklands Museum beginning at 6.30pm. All are welcome, both members and non members of the Society, providing they bring the £2 entrance fee.

Another date to note is Wednesday the 19th March, when Dick Poole will be talking about Harrier Ski-jump Trials. Both venue and time are as above.


Don't forget that the Editor needs contributions for the next Newsletter...please

RAeS Lecture at Weybridge