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 Richard Cannon videos most of the talks given to the Hawker Association. The following talks are available as video DVDs; if you missed a talk they can be borrowed or copied. Please contact Richard on 01932 786636 or email him using the link in the banner (scripts must be enabled). If there is a story in a Newsletter there is a link to it.


Story   Date          Talk

 5      8 Oct 2003  Ground Attack and the Typhoon - David Ince, Typhoon pilot

 5     12 Nov 2003  Few Words from a Salesman - John Crampton

11   12 Oct 2005  The Influence of German R&D in WW2 - Ralph Denning

17   14 Feb 2007  The easyJet Story; Why pay more? - Sir Colin Chandler

16   27 Feb 2007  Unveiling of Sir Sydney Camm Bust at RAF Club

17   9 May 2007  Anything but Aircraft - Vernon Lidstone

18   11 July 2007  Joint Force Harrier Operations from Cottesmore - Cdr Adrian Orchard

20   13 Feb 2008  The Future of Naval Aviation - Commodore Gerry Stanford RN

20   12 Mar 2008  Flying Hawker Aircraft - Capt Eric 'Winkle' Brown

21   14 May 2008  Personal Reflections on Hawker Thoroughbreds - Air Vice-Marshal George Black

24   11 Mar 2009  Folland; the Spirit of Hamble - Chris Hodson

25   13 May 2009  The Kestrel Evaluation Squadron and more - Sir Donald Spiers

26   14 Oct 2009  Charles Plantin - Making Them Right - An Engineer at Hawkers 1936-76 - David Hassard

26   11 Nov 2009  Handley Page Limited - 60 years of achievement - Harry Fraser-Mitchell

34    11 Jul 2012   The Great Aircraft Factory at Richmond Road - David Hassard

Video DVDs And Stories of Talks updated 13Jul20