The AGM was held on Saturday 23
April. However, rather disappointingly, only 15 Members turned up,
apart from the President, the Chairman and 9 Committee members.
The Chairman, Ambrose Barber, noted that there were no elections this
year as offices are held for two years. He went on to say that the
Association had enjoyed a year of active and satisfactory
consolidation, that activities had been well supported, that membership
renewal, after some prompting, had been high and that the Newsletter
had continued to be popular. He remarked that the Editor was relied on
contributions from Members and urged them not to hang back. It was
satisfying that past colleagues were re-establishing contact and that
this included some associates who had worked alongside us and wished to
continue that association. The Committee would like to welcome such
people and a separate category of membership has been drafted for
Members' future approval.
Ambrose observed that we had been well served by our speakers on a wide
range of topics (all have been reported in the Newsletter. Ed.).
Following the successful Middle Wallop visit last September a coach
visit to Duxford has been planned for 2005. The Chairman closed by
thanking the Committee members for their efforts and by asking Members
for their thoughts on how things might be improved. (write to the
Editor. Ed.)
The Secretary, Barry Pegram, reported that since the last AGM
membership had increased from 328 to 348. It was evident, he continued,
that membership growth depended on personal contacts and recommendation
by existing Members. The membership distribution was similar to last
year: 66% local, 29% distant and 5% overseas. Ladies' membership had
increased by 10% and working members accounted for about 18%. The
Secretary had still not received membership renewals from 15 Members
and that at the end of April it would be reluctantly assumed that they
were no longer interested. Attendance at talks had been 50 - 70 and at
social gatherings 25 - 30; the Christmas lunch and summer barbecue
attracted 60 - 70. All events could therefore be viewed as successful.
The Treasurer, Mike Hoskins, reported that at the end of the financial
year funds stood at a satisfactory £2427. We had had to pay
for the use of the Hawker Centre but this had been well covered by
Percy Collino's raffle, for which he was thanked. A donation had been
given to the Royal Aeronautical Society for the restoration of a
cartoon of Neville Duke which now hangs in the Members' Lounge.
Although there was no immediate need to increase membership fees this
might change if, say, Hawker Centre or printing charges went up. Mike
thanked Ken Alexander for independently examining the accounts which
were adopted by the Members present.