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Newsletter 2
Spring 2003

Updated on 27Feb2003



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Inaugural Meeting

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Fall And Rise of WT555
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The Inaugural Meeting On 8 February 2003

The Committee Table

Mike Hoskins . Harry Frazer-Mitchell . Chris Farara . Barry Pegram

Saturday February the 8th was a notable date for the Hawker Association when the Inaugural Meeting was held at Hawker Leisure, the old Company Sports & Social Club now run by the YMCA for the Kingston Council.

Percy Collino welcomed eighty Members (and sold them raffle tickets - £92 raised) with a wide range of backgrounds in 'Hawkers'. They were given an informal presentation by the steering committee, introduced by Harry Fraser-Mitchell.

Chris Farara outlined the aims of the Association, Barry Pegram explained the membership demography, Mike Hoskins summarised the financial situation and likely expenditure and Percy Collino told some good

jokes..... oh, and presented the programme for the year (see programme, not jokes). The audience was attentive and a number of useful suggestions came from the floor.

Barry's membership analysis showed that, on a post-code basis, 72.5% are "local" to Kingston and 24.8% are "distant". 2.7% of Members live overseas. Interestingly 25% of Members are still working, so we're not all pensioners!

It was unanimously agreed by the meeting that the present steering committee (Percy Collino, Chris Farara, Wilf Firth, Harry Fraser-Mitchell, Ralph Hooper, Mike Hoskins, Gordon Jefferson and Barry Pegram) become the Association Committee for the coming year.

Members with a particular wish to participate in some specific way were asked to make this known to the Committee so that they can be co-opted when needed. Ambrose Barber joined the Committee after the meeting.

Hawker Leisure Manager, Derek Hempston, whose father, present at the meeting, is an old Hawker employee, was thanked for providing the venue, preparing the room and supplying the equipment. Future meetings will be in the bar room.

The restaurant and bar services were enjoyed by many before and after the presentation, and judging by the decibel level, Members were delighted to meet so many old friends and colleagues in convivial surroundings.