The Hawker Association continues to thrive and remains proactive in a number of areas, particularly where we are continuing to promote historical interest in Hawker companies and products. The ‘Hunter for Kingston’ project is at the heart of this activity, but we continue to support the Kingston Aviation Heritage Project and Brooklands Museum. With regard to the museum, the HA was instrumental in acquiring G-HAWK’s original wing to replace the Mk53 wing currently fitted, and we have assisted them with their successful bid to acquire the unique and partially built P1121 from the RAF museum where it has been unseen by the public in storage for over half a century since the project was cancelled in 1958.
In the Hunter project there were major achievements during 2022 and this year we will begin to finalise plans for the installation of the aircraft in Kingston. The President, Colin Wilson, stood in for me as Chairman for seven months last year after my extended term of office was concluded at the AGM last year. This provided me with a break before resuming the role in January, having agreed to do another term. We have co-opted one new member onto the committee, and we welcome David Collingridge and look forward to working with him.
Sadly we lost founder member of the Committee and Vice President of the Association, Ralph Hooper. His passing was much more significant than simply the loss of a colleague and Association Member because Ralph’s contribution to Hawker Aircraft Ltd/Hawker Siddeley Aviation/British Aerospace, Britain’s aircraft industry and the defence of the nation will forever be a benchmark standard. His outstanding achievements will always remain of great historical significance. The Association Committee assumed responsibility for the arrangements for Ralph’s funeral. David Hassard played a leading role in this activity, David Priddy conducted the funeral service and. Sir Colin Chandler delivered a eulogy. He is also making arrangements for a Ralph Hooper award at Cranfield University. Ralph’s ashes will be scattered at Brooklands museum where a plaque will be fixed to the memorial wall and we will develop plans for the long term conservation and display of his personal archives and awards. .
The HA began using Zoom as a means of communication during the pandemic and it has been continued, all thanks to David Priddy. He has set up a private YouTube facility for members so that they have a third option to enjoy the HA talks.
The Zoom technology is not easily managed from our usual location at the YMCA Hawker Centre but a small number of members have asked that it be continued. We intend to develop the facility by improving the quality but we are currently assessing the results of arecent survey and we hope to encourage more members to participate. Plans for this coming year include trying to establish a new website that would provide more modern facilities with a greater scope for information to benefit members. Some of the associated costs will be covered by the receipt in 2022 of a £12,000 legacy from the estate of colleague and Association member Terry Anstey. I thank the Committee for their hard work during the past year.
Chris Roberts, Chairman