Organiser Ken Batstone (to whom many thanks)
On Wednesday December 11th 2019, the 17th annual
Association Christmas Lunch was held as usual in the YMCA Hawker
Centre. For those who didn't know, or may have forgotten, this was the
old Sports Club for the Hawker Aircraft factory next door. Thirty eight
Members and guests attended, which was markedly down on last year,
probably due to illness and the sad demise of a number of Members
during the year.
Before grace was said by the Rev Vernon
Lidstone and the lunch served, there was convivial conversation over a
glass (or two) of wine. The traditional Christmas fare provided was of
excellent quality and generous quantity, and could not be faulted. The
YMCA also generously provided a glass of mulled wine at the start of
the meal and further supplies of wine during it! Afterwards there were
short speeches by the Chairman, Chris Roberts, and the President, Colin
Wilson, the content of which could not possibly give offence to anyone;
even twitter officianados. Coffee and mince pies were then enjoyed
before the raffle concluded the afternoon.
On behalf of the diners, the Committee expressed
sincere thanks to the Hawker Centre staff for providing another
excellent meal to the consistently high standard maintained over the
years; it is much appreciated.