Chairman’s Report
Chris Roberts said that the committee has continued to follow the
aims of the association and to fully support the Members. The most
obvious deliverable is the monthly programme and we have had another
successful year of events and speakers. The YMCA maintained their high
standard for the summer barbecue and the Christmas lunch. The annual
visit was to the Harrier Heritage Centre at RAF Wittering where we were
made very welcome; for many it brought back fond memories of the
Harrier and in-service support.
In the past year Members have made good progress with the
restoration of Hunter T7, XL623, and soon we will be applying for
planning permission for the proposed site in Kingston, facing the old
factory site on Richmond road next to the fire station. We have also
assisted with the acquisition of G-HAWK/ZA101 for Brooklands where it
can now be found next to G-VTOL, and we have helped to save XX154, the
first Hawk from being lost to the nation; it was either going to be
broken up for spares or exported.
Membership has ebbed slightly to 339. The committee
will continue to try to keep membership level up but we will need your
help to put out the word that the Association is good value! I conclude
by reminding you that it is your Association; the Committee works for
you. Our ears are always open for input and comment.
Secretary’s Report
Barry Pegram, after announcing the ten apologies
received, reported that the Membership stood at 339, well short of the
ambition to reach 400. Of these 220 are ‘local’, 102 are ‘distant’, 17
are overseas, 48 are ladies and 23 are Affiliates unchanged from last
year. Eight Members have not responded to renewal notices for two years
so will be removed from the Membership list, and sadly twelve Members
have died. There were five talks (with one cancelled as it clashed with
the John Farley memorial event at Brooklands in October): Ed Hui on
paper aeroplanes (33 attendees), Dick Wise on Ernest Hemingway (30),
David Hassard on the Surrey aviation industry in WW I (42), Chris
Roberts on historical aspects of flight (44) and Ambrose Barber on his
post-retirement activities (30). The AGM was attended by 22, the visit
to the Harrier Heritage Centre at RAF Wittering attracted 24, 30 came
to the barbecue and 48 to the Christmas lunch. The three socials drew
19, 21 and 21.
Treasurer’s Report
Martin Pennell was unable to attend so his report was presented by
Barry Pegram. Income followed the usual pattern of subscriptions
(£1726) and raffle takings (£512). Principal expenditures were venue
hire (£500), stationery and postage (£1187), speakers’ expenses (£84),
raffle prizes (£85) and insurance (£379). The barbecue, Christmas lunch
and Wittering visit were essentially self financing. A donation of
£2000 went to the Brooklands Museum for the restoration of P.1127 XP984
and other Hawker projects. The finances with a bank balance of £2459 at
Dec 31st 2018, were in an acceptable state and it was expected that
this position would be maintained following the subscription increase
for 2019.
Frank Rainsborough suggested that short (3 - 10 minutes) informal talks on Members’ interests would be attractive at Socials.
David Hassard raised the question of Affiliates. He suggested that
the personal approach might be effective in attracting new members;
invite interested people to join, bring a guest to a meeting, contact
old colleagues, give them a Newsletter.
The cost of postage continues to rise. Perhaps Members would accept e-mailed Newsletters?
Electronic payment of subscriptions was being considered by the Committee.
The publishing of booklets on Sopwith and Hawker was suggested.