Roy Adolphus

Ambrose Barber remembers…
    Members will have noted with regret the death last autumn of Roy Adolphus.
    Roy and his team had been responsible for the output of Kingston-designed aircraft as well as Hunter re-manufacture for many years. Joining Kingston's Experimental Department management from Napiers, Roy became Experimental Manager on Ernie Rowe's retirement. He subsequently took over from Ken Saltrick as Production Manager at a critical juncture in putting the P1127(RAF)into production. Inceasingly involved in the inter-factory transfer of output to Brough, Bitteswell and Hamble, he was appointed Executive Director Production and subsequently Divisional Production Director. Acknowledged as having the necessary 'anchorman temperament', he was much respected in Production circles.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

Because of this new regulation the Hawker Association has to have a sound policy stating how the data held by the Association is to be used.
    The important policy statement is:
The personal data of Members - name, postal address, e-mail address and telephone number/s - is held by the Association in order to communicate with Members solely for Association business. This data will never be passed on to any party without specific permission from the Member.
    Should Members not agree with this policy please contact the Secretary, Barry Pegram, at 12 Becket Wood, Newdigate, Surrey, RH5 5AQ (Tel 01306 631125) to cancel their Membership.