Enclosed with this Newsletter is your subscription renewal form and the AGM notice. Please return your subscription form together with a £5 cheque payable to the Hawker Association to Secretary Barry Pegram, not to the editor, right away before you forget! There are still several outstanding subs for 2014 -15 as shown in bold on the membership list at the back.
Please come to the AGM and participate in the determining the future course of your Association. Your presence will be valued by the hard-working Committee as will your suggestions for talk topics and outings and your comments on the Christmas lunch, Summer barbecue, the 2015 outing and the programme of talks.Richard Cannon conscientiously keeps our website up-to-date. Please refer to it for the latest news on members, meetings etc. Also let him know if you spot any problems with using the site.
Don’t forget that your Editor always needs your memories of your time at ‘Hawkers’ - go on, get scribbling. And a belated happy new year!
Correction - in NL.43 I wrote that described for us the operation of the Bunker system - it was in fact on the day as Ian had other commitments. Ed.
Please send contributions, preferably by e-mail but handwritten
pieces by post are fine, to The Editor, Chris Farara, 24 Guildown Road,
Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4EN. Tel. 01483 825955,