Ed Harper

Ray Searle writes…

When the United States Marine Corps first took an interest in the Harrier Ed Harper was the NAVAIR officer in Washington assigned to initiate the contracts with Hawker and McDonnell Douglas for the AV-8A. On retirement from NAVAIR, he became a Vice-President at McAir and headed the team throughout the development of the AV-8B. Ed was always a very amenable character to do business with and we appreciated his ability to keep matters on an even keel. After fighting cancer for the last decade Ed died on Friday 14th February 2014.

Brooklands Museum Needs Volunteers

If you would like to spend a few hours a week helping out at Brooklands, volunteers are needed in all areas, for example stewarding the aviation or motoring displays, marshalling at events, maintenance of the exhibits and facilities, manning the aircraft on display, helping with the Concorde attraction etc, etc.

No particular skills are necessary except enthusiasm, and training will be provided. However, Hawker people will undoubtedly have knowledge and abilities ideally suited to this job - there are already several Kingston and Dunsfold people there, like Ken Batstone, Colin Flint and David Hassard. Your Editor has been a Brooklands volunteer for 20 years and has thoroughly enjoyed the work and the comradeship and can unhesitatingly recommend that you give it a try.

Please call the Volunteers Resources Manager, John Silver, on 01932 857381 ext 242 who will explain what is available and the benefits, or e-mail him on johnsilver@brooklandsmuseum.com. Mention the Hawker Association.