On the 8th
May Mick Mansell, BAES’s
retired Director of Future Systems, returned to
The aims of SP were: to deliver projects within the time and costs approved when the major investment decision was made; to establish an MoD procurement process where military capability is acquired progressively at low risk and with optimisation trade-offs between military effectiveness, time and whole life costs; and to reduce the time taken to introduce new technologies into the front line to secure military advantage and industrial competitiveness.
Key features of SP
are: a whole life approach
by a single Integrated Project Team (IPT); clear definition of ‘customers’;
trade-offs between performance, whole costs
and time to be identified, evaluated and implemented; relationships
industry to be better and more open through partnering and common goal
identification; new procurement approaches including incremental
shorter project approval and procurement processes; and higher
during early project phases to reduce risk before binding performance,
cost and
time parameters are set.
the MoD the central relationship
is between the ‘customer’ and the supplier. The ‘central customer’ is
responsible for: defining the
basic future capability requirement; for making the balance of
decisions in and across capabilities; for obtaining project approval;
for accepting
the equipment into service; for developing specific equipment concepts
to meet
capability gaps; and for setting the IPT’s budget for the procurement phase of the
project. As the equipment enters service the ‘second customer’, the
appropriate Commander in Chief, takes
over the ‘customer’ lead and agrees with the IPT leader
the level of support required.
above is a summary of the
core of Mick’s talk
which went into much greater detail of the component activities in the
procurement process. If you would like to learn more please contact the
to whom Mick has loaned a DVD of his Powerpoint presentation which
Members may