The Kingston Aviation Centenary Project, which was due to finish in
March is running on at least to the end of 2013 and probably beyond.
The Project website http://www.kingstonaviation.org is attracting
significant numbers, not least for the oral history interviews which
are beginning to appear there. Demand continues for illustrated talks,
over 2,000 people having attended them so far at all sorts of local
organisations from schools and clubs to historical societies and
professional groups.
Thousands of people have attended exhibitions which are continuing around the borough libraries. Watch out for announcements on the Project and Association websites. Many ex-employees are coming forward at these exhibitions with valuable new archive material, photographs and oral history stories. Raising the level of local interest has also generated some unexpected collaborations.
The Hawker Association, previously open to ex-employees only, has
formally extended its rules to allow people with a particular interest
in Kingston aviation to become associate members.
Information panels have been designed for the Tudor Ward Neighbourhood Committee who have paid for them to be erected on the corner of Richmond Road and Dukes Avenue where the major factory was situated for so many years.
The project has had discussions with CNM Estates about appropriate aviation themes for the refurbishment of the Gala Bingo Hall.
Lastly, the Kingston upon Thames Society has secured access to the
aviation workshop recently refurbished as a dance studio by the
BalletBoyz for a 2-day exhibition of Kingston Aviation History in its
birthplace, Canbury Park Road, on Heritage Open Days 13th and 14th
Please get in touch with the project through the website if you want to book talks or collaborate in any way.