
Your Committee hopes you like the programme for 2013, given below.

Enclosed is the calling notice for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) during the 8th May meeting. The EGM is to consider the proposed change in the Constitution published in this Newsletter which, if accepted, will go some way to prolonging the life of the Association.

Also enclosed is your subscription renewal form for 2013-14. Please note that a considerable number of Members have not yet paid their subscription for 2012-13 and that this is marked on their forms; would those Members please send £10 to Barry Pegram. Non-payers names are in bold in the Membership list at the end of this Newsletter.

Chris Farara

Sadly several Members have died recently including Barry Laight OBE FREng, Kingston’s Chief Engineer after Camm, and Gordon Hodson MBE CEng FRAeS, “Mr Hawk”.

Book now for the Summer Barbecue - see Programme below.

There are several contributions awaiting publication but please still send yours to the Editor, Chris Farara, 24 Guildown Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4EN. Tel. 01483 825955,
e-mail Chris Farara E-mail, they are what makes our Newsletter special and I have only one article awaiting publication.