Next year is the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Sopwith Aviation Co. and its move into the roller skating rink in Kingston.
A Kingston Aviation Heritage Projects group has recently been formed to spread the word about Kingston’s amazing aviation achievements. We are initially focusing on a centenary event in Kingston Market Place over the bank holiday weekend of the 2nd - 5th June 2012.
The group includes representatives from the Hawker Association, the Kingston Aviation Heritage Trust, Kingston First, Kingston University, Kingston Museum, Kingston Tour Guides and the Brooklands Museum.
Plans for the centenary event include a Sopwith Camel and Hunter cockpit section in the Market Place with historical displays, models and paintings in Market House. Other plans include a properly funded oral history project, a DVD, prepared illustrated presentations and another attempt to get plaques on buildings in the town.
If you would like to be kept informed of progress and be made aware of opportunities to help with these projects, please contact David Hassard by e-mail at or by ’phone on 020 8546 2715.