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DetailsWalkers - John Arthur

For some time I have wanted to revisit the site of the old airfield as I have vivid memories of camping there in 1942.  In fact I flew from there once during WWII albeit only as an ATC cadet for a 10 minute hop in a RAF Dominie!  Kenley was active from 1917 to about 1959 as a RFC and RAF airbase and notably of course as a Battle of Britain airfield, along with Croydon and Biggin Hill, protecting the Capital.

I return to the walk. The dummy run revealed two serious flaws. Firstly the course was too hilly and secondly the pub was in the wrong place. I am proposing a short circular walk to start, about 50 minutes hence the later than usual start, to view Happy Valley. After lunch we will set out for Kenley airfield.

Length:  3 miles, 2 hours + stops

Start and Finish:  In main car park in Fox Lane Old Coulsdon. (off the B2030 road between  Coulsdon and Caterham) Multimap


Grid Reference:  TQ31700 56800 on OS Landranger Map 187

Time and Date:  11.15  for 11.30 am on Thursday 25th October  2007


1) Lunch stop at 'The Fox Inn'  from 12.30pm onwards.

2) There will be charge of £2 each to be given in full to the Royal Marsden Children's Unit Fund.

3) Ex-employees and/or their families of BAE Systems and predecessor companies will be welcome.

4) Thanks again to Stan Stapleton for helping with the arrangements.

5) Safety is the personal responsibility of each participant and the organisers absolve themselves from any liability arising from any accident however caused.


If you would like to come it would help if could you let be know fairly soon as numbers may be limited for lunch.

  John Arthur on 020-8393 3579 or by e-mail:


BAE Sytems Retirement Association Kingston Walk 38 updated 25Oct07
Coulsdon Common to Kenley Aerodrome

Although it was very overcast with a fine drizzle all day 18 BAES Retirement Association Kingston and Hawker Association members enjoyed a very interesting walk. A short walk to Happy Valley was followed by an excellent lunch at the Fox Inn.

The main walk after lunch was to the historic Kenley airfield. A bunker has been preserved with a memorial stone and the Head Quarters building is very well preserved. Runways still exist and the Surrey Hills Gliding Club operates from there.