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BAES Retirement Association Walk No. 32 updated 18Oct03

Location: Leatherhead and Mickleham area.

This is an easy walk in the Surrey countryside through Norbury Park to Mickleham with return along the bank of The river Mole.

Length: 4 miles, 2.5 hours approx + stops.

Start and finish: In Young Street car park off A246 going west from Givons Grove roundabout on Leatherhead bypass (A24). Car Park has narrow entrance on left-hand side just before railway bridge.

Grid Reference: 163 551 on OS Landranger Map 187.

Time and Date: 10.45 for 11:00 am on Tuesday 21 October 2003.


1) Lunch stop at The Running Horses Inn, Mickleham, Surrey, approx.12.30 pm onwards.

2) It has been decided to introduce a voluntary charge of £2 each in aid of the Children's Trust, Tadworth

3) Members from the 'Hawker Association' will be welcome.

4) Thanks again to Stan Stapleton for helping with the arrangements.

5) Safety is the personal responsibility of each participant and the organisers absolve themselves from any liability from any accident however caused.

If you would like to come please let me know by 10 am on 20 October for lunch numbers. (John Arthur on 020-8393 3579)

John Arthur