BAES Retirement Association Walk No. 32 updated 18Oct03 |
Location: Leatherhead and Mickleham area. |
This is an easy walk in the Surrey countryside through Norbury Park to Mickleham with return along the bank of The river Mole. |
Length: 4 miles, 2.5 hours approx + stops. |
Start and finish: In Young Street car park off A246 going west from Givons Grove roundabout on Leatherhead bypass (A24). Car Park has narrow entrance on left-hand side just before railway bridge. |
Grid Reference: 163 551 on OS Landranger Map 187. |
Time and Date: 10.45 for 11:00 am on Tuesday 21 October 2003. |
Notes: |
1) Lunch stop at The Running Horses Inn, Mickleham, Surrey, approx.12.30 pm onwards. |
2) It has been decided to introduce a voluntary charge of £2 each in aid of the Children's Trust, Tadworth |
3) Members from the 'Hawker Association' will be welcome. |
4) Thanks again to Stan Stapleton for helping with the arrangements. |
5) Safety is the personal responsibility of each participant and the organisers absolve themselves from any liability from any accident however caused. |
If you would like to come please let me know by 10 am on 20 October for lunch numbers. (John Arthur on 020-8393 3579) |
John Arthur |