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At the 2021 AGM the whole committee was re-elected for a period of one year after a year of uncertainty caused by Covid restrictions.





 Colin Wilson


 Chris Roberts



 Vice President

 Ken Batstone

 Social Secretary

 Richard Cannon

 Webmaster and Communications

 Diana Dean

 Membership Secretary

 Dave Collinbridge

 Newsletter Editor

 David Hassard

Kingston Aviation Centenary Project



 Kieron Kirk

 Dick Poole


 David Priddy

 Zoom Project Leader

 Frank Rainsborough

 Speaker Secretary

 Paul Rash  

 Acting Treasurer

At the 2022 AGM It was necessary to vote in the whole committee (less founder member Wilf Firth who wished to stand down) for the usual period of two years, with the exception of the President whose 5 year term continues until 2023.

Paul Rash has agreed to be Acting treasurer.  

Kieron Kirk who has been active with Chris Farara in the Heritage Centre at Brooklands volunteered to join the committee.

The Committee 2023-24 updated 16Apr2024

Ken Batstone Ken Batstone

Chris Farara

Chris Farara

Richard Cannon

David Hassard

Frank Rainsborough

Paul Rash

Ambrose Barber Ambrose Barber Chris Roberts

 Colin Wilson

Diana Dean

David Priddy

Dick Poole

Kieron Kirk