BBQ 2007 -
Pictures taken by Frank Rainsborough at the BBQ on 13 June 2007
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Barry Pegram
Ambrose Barber, Ken Batstone
Sheila Long
Pauline Moore, Brian Indge
Richard Cannon, Norman Long
Chris Farara, Barry Pegram
Diana Dean, Jan White
BBQ Group
On Wednesday June 13th, the 4th annual Summer BBQ was held at the Hawker Centre and, as in previous years, proved to be a great success due in no small part to the weather.
The Weather Forecast for the afternoon was for heavy showers accompanied by thunder, as a result of which, the Hawker Centre staff decided to cook the food in the kitchen, rather than outdoors. With the usual phenomenal accuracy of the Meteorological Office forecasts, the afternoon remained dry, very warm and often sunny! Most excellent!
Forty two members had booked well in advance but with very late bookings forty seven members and guests arrived between 12.30 and 1 o'clock. The food appeared spot on time and was ready for serving at 1.15pm. By this time, most people had had a chinwag and a drink or two.
Large quantities of sausages, burgers, spare ribs, chicken, kebabs, numerous salads and vegetarian specialities were laid out on a long table and, in spite of many people returning to the table for top-
Two types of cheesecake were on offer; blackcurrant and raspberry. They both looked so delicious that most people could not decide which to choose, so had some of both! Coffee then followed and the Bar remained open all afternoon.
As per tradition, dating back all of four years, a raffle was held after the desserts with magnificent prizes (Ken Batstone insisted on these words!) ranging from wine through port and gin to hedge trimmers and house plant. All the prizewinners were absolutely delighted (Ken Batstone again) with their winnings.
At the end of the afternoon, the consensus of opinion was that the event had been enjoyed by everyone and the food had been the best of the BBQs to date (for which many thanks to Christine, the Chef).
A "Thank You" gift was presented to Holly, representing the catering staff, by Percy Collino with a large kiss. On announcing that Holly was leaving the Hawker Centre employment that afternoon, Percy took that as a reason for kissing Holly again, plus any female within easy reach. Luckily no kilted Scotsmen were nearby!
All on leaving thanked Jan White and Ken Batstone for organising the afternoon and the superb raffle (Ken Batstone, that's quite enough!). Let's do it all again next year.