Archived News Items 2018
News Items that have been on the News page but are no longer current are generally transferred to an archive. As there are generally more announcements of Future event than News each have their own archive page from 2017.
23 December Sadly William James (Bill) Phillips died on 15th November 2018 aged 91. He is survived by his sister Sylvia Miller. Bill remained active of mind and spirit right until the end and he is fondly remembered by his family and friends.
On Wednesday 9th December the delicious 16th annual Christmas Lunch was held in the YMCA Hawker Centre; story, Photos, News letter 53 story.
19 November Sadly we have just heard that Dave Edwards, who was Contracts Manager, has died. The funeral will take place at Kingston Cemetery on Bonner Hill Road, KT1 3EZ.m at 11:30 on Thursday 22nd November.
On Wednesday 11 November David Hassard gave a very interesting talk on the Aircraft Industry in Surrey in the Great War; News letter 53 story
31 October Sadly we have heard that Dick Curtis, ex Snr. Design Engineer Kingston & Farnborough Drawing Offices, has died from pneumonia following cancer; on Monday evening 29 Oct. Funeral: Wed 14 November. 2:30pm Randalls Park Crematorium, Randalls Road, Leatherhead, KT22 0AG All are welcome.
On Wednesday 10 October there was a John Farley Commemoration at Brooklands Museum; story. John give a talk to BTM (Brooklands Trust Members) on The Harrier Story on 24 May 2015. It was Videoed by BTM; it is well worth watching.
02 September General Data Protection. The Hawker Association Data Protection Policy was published in
Newsletter 51 Summer 2018 that was sent to all members.
30 August The end of Dunsfold aerodrome. Although there was strong opposition planning approval has been given for the development of Dunsfold Park; it includes 1800 houses and the removal of the runways.
30 August Sadly Peter Smith has died unexpectedly, peacefully in his sleep at home from sepsis.
His funeral will be held on Thursday 27 September at 11:45 at Randalls Park Crematorium, Leatherhead, KT22 0AG. After the funeral you are invited to a reception to remember and raise a glass to Dad at: Surbiton Golf Club, Woodstock Lane, Chessington, KT9 1UG. I would be really grateful if you could let me know if you will be attending so that I can make arrangements for catering. Please RSVP to or to my home address: 61 Kentish Road, Belvedere, Kent DA17 5BS. We ask for family flowers only but any donations to the British Heart Foundation. Many thanks. Jo Rees (Peter’s daughter)
17 August Newsletter 51 Summer 2018 PDF is available online.
01 August This web site has been developed and is maintained by Richard Cannon primarily to provide an additional communication and information channel for The Hawker Association.
Since its creation in 2003 until August 2018 it has been hosted on the web space include with my TalkTalk broadband. They gave me 2 weeks notice that it was being discontinued.
Member John Gardner offered me spare web space he had on; many thanks for being a big help. If anything isn’t working please let me know; if am not told I can’t fix it.
24 July The Hawker Association has taken on an exiting new project involving the last Hunter T7 made (XL 623); story, video, News letter 53 story, excellent 8:00 time lapse of lowering to ground. Video from initial study to lower XP 623 on to a lorry (16:30).
14 June It is with great regret that we pass on the sad news that John Farley died at home on 13th June after a long and unpleasant illness. He was with his family at the end, and typically of John he slipped away quietly. John’s commemoration service will be at Brooklands Museum at 14:00 on Wednesday 10th October. Space will be limited; anyone interested in attending MUST register their interest by e-
13 June was a fine day for the 30 members attending the excellent Summer BBQ; story, photos.
9 May Ed Hui gave a very interesting talk on paper aeroplanes and many other topics.
For Hawk enthusiasts -
11 April there was the AGM; Photos
18 March Nick Stroud, editor of The Aviation Historian, is searching for information and photographs related to the Hawker Tempests and Sea Furies that served with the Royal Pakistan Air Force. If you have any direct knowledge, or know someone who might, please contact Nick at Even the most seemingly insignificant piece of in information would be helpful to Nick. Thank you. Chris Farara
18 March LOST SIGNBOARD Mike Fantham took a factory sign to the Ham factory centenary exhibition on September 9th 2017 and sadly left it on the window sill in the far left corner of the room nearest the river. A staff member at the YMCA understood that one of the people associated with the exhibition had it in safe keeping but he didn't know who this was. Mike wants the sign to end up at the Brooklands Museum. It is about 900 mm long painted blue with ‘Robin Hangar' in white letters. If you have this sign or know where it is please let Chris Farara know at Many thanks. Chris Farara.
14 March Dick Poole gave a very interesting talk on the Harrier ski-
10 March IMPORTANT NOTICE. The Duncan Simpson Memorial Service scheduled for 24 April, that is announced in the Spring newsletter, has been cancelled. At present there are no plans to re-
8 March Newsletter 50 Spring 2018 PDF is available online.
16 February Sadly David Ward has died. His funeral is on Wednesday 21 February at 14:00 at St Matthews Church, Blackmoor, Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6BS
15 January When Google changed from Picasa Web Albums to Google Photos they removed the option to give public access to albums and the Photo link in the Menu stopped working; I couldn’t find a fix until now. Links to all 19 albums can be seen on one page again. It needed all the photos to be uploaded which meant all the links to albums have had to be updated; if there are any problems please let the webmaster know using the link in the banner. Unfortunately Google have disabled the fix and new albums won’t be seen in the albums page.