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Archived News Items 2014  updated 15Jan2015

Items that have been on the News page but are no longer current are generally transferred to an archive.

On 10 December there was one of the best Xmas lunches we have had. Story, photos.

On 10 December there will be our annual Association Xmas Lunch. The cost will be £16.50. Details There will NOT be a committee meeting in the morning.

On Wed 12 November - Heinz Frick will talk on Sky-Hook. There will be a Committee Meeting in the morning.

On 11 November Harry Fraser-Mitchell’s memorial service at All Saints Church, Fleet, had aHawk XX162 that did the flypast Hawk flypast; story and pictures. The reception was held at the church hall; photos are in a Google+ Album.

07 November Newsletter 40 (Autumn) PDF is available online.

Harry Fraser-Mitchell - Sadly, for those of you who have not already heard, we have to let you know of the death of Harry Fraser-Mitchell last Tuesday, October 28th. As many of you know, he had been very ill for a long time. The funeral will take place at All Saints Church, Church Road, Fleet GU51 4NB on November 11th at 12.30pm. here is a public car park more or less opposite the church. The family would be very grateful if you would kindly let them know in advance if you are planning to come and stay for refreshments, in order to help catering arrangements. The telephone number is 01252 626996. You may like to know that refreshments will be available in the Church Hall following the service, but the family will be leaving the Hall after about an hour.

Ted Pincombe - Sadly, Ted Pincombe, the very well known electrical, communications and avionics engineer and Hawk assistant chief designer, has died age 90.  The funeral will be at St Elphege's Church, 120 Stafford Road, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 9AY on Tuesday November 4th at 10 am. If you will be attending the refreshments afterwards please let Ted's family know on 020 8647 5599.

On Wed 8 October Simon Howison will talk on BAESystems today. There will be a Committee Meeting in the morning.

21 September We have heard that Stan Stapleton, who had been head of Aerodynamics at Kingston, has died aged 89; the funeral is at 2:40 pm (Note corrected from 12:30) on Wednesday 25 September at the North East Surrey Crematorium.

On Wed 10 September there will be a visit to the Imperial War Museum, London; details. There will NOT be a meeting or Committee Meeting at the Hawker Centre.

Paul Hopkins, who was one of the Test Pilots at Dunsfold and then Warton, very sadly died on Sunday, 31 August. His funeral is taking place at St Cuthberts Church, Lytham, at 14:00 on Tuesday 9 September.

On Wed 13 August our ‘social and video’ meeting will be a new departure; David Hassard and Bill Downing will be there and Members are invited to bring along some of their ‘Hawker’ photographs and other memorabilia for others to see and possibly to be scanned for the Centenary Project and Brooklands Museum archives. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.

On Wed 9 July Ed Hui will talk on paper Aeroplanes.

08 July Newsletter 39 (Summer) PDF is available online.

On Wed 11 June there will be the Summer BBQ at 12:30; note the earlier time. Book and pay Ken Batstone, by Friday 6th June, on 01932 229938, details. There will NOT be a committee meeting in the morning.

On Wed 14 May Prof John Allan will talk on “The HSA Advanced Projects Group”. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.

On Wed 9 April there is the Annual General Meeting; please support your Association. After the formal AGM business is completed videos will be shown. Notice of AGM and Membership renewal form as a PDF document. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.

31 March Sadly Jerry Lockspeiser tells us that David has died. More

12 March Bernie Scott will talk on ‘Fifty Years of Flying’. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.

On Wednesday 12 February Jeff Boyling will talk on ‘Circuit of Britain, 1913 and 2013’.

On Wednesday 9 January there will a Social gathering with the annual quiz by Les Palmer. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.

20 February Newsletter 38 (Spring) PDF is available online.

8 February The Brooklands Museum is setting up a display of wireless equipment and needs help, especially with information on what equipment was fitted to 'Hawker' aircraft. If you can help or know someone who could please contact Andy Lambert at .

 29 January Sadly we have heard of the death of George Mitchell who joined Hawkers pre-war and retired in 1987 after 50 years service. The funeral will take place at Kingston Crematorium on Wednesday 19 February at 11am.