Archived News Items 2011 updated 24Mar2012
Items that have been on the News page but are no longer current are generally transferred to an archive.
On 14 December 48 members had a delicious Xmas lunch prepared by the YMCA Hawker Centre; story
On Wed 14 December the Xmas Lunch is at the Hawker Centre commencing at 12.30 for 1pm; NOTE the earlier time. Booking with Ken Batstone by the end of November is essential; Details and Menu. There will NOT be a committee meeting in the morning.
We are sad to hear that Dawn Howes died on 14th December after a long illness. Her family and Terry have arranged for her funeral service to be at the Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground on the 9th January at 12:30 after a private cremation on 4th January. DO NOT use a Sat Nav as they get it wrong, it is sign posted from the A35. Map; some roads are tracks or foot paths, there is NO entrance via Dark Lane, and on the map at a larger scale it is labelled 700m further south!!
Fantastic pictures of Harriers at Cottesmore, recommended by Alex Seaman.
On Tuesday 6 December the BAES Retirement Association Kingston had their last meeting; a Xmas buffet. Unfortunately there has been the inevitable fall in membership and there was about to be a big increase in the cost of the meeting place. At the AGM on 4 October 2011 it was decided that it wasn’t viable for the association to continue. Past members will continue to meet informally at the YMCA Hawker Centre on the first Tuesday of the month (excluding January).
F35B 1st Landing on USS WASP This youtube video was made around 3 October 2011 in the Atlantic, off Newport News (Hampton Roads), Virginia during the latest sea trials of the F-
12 November; I expect some of you will already be aware of the new Harrier Force Association formed by Joint Force Harrier. It is aimed primarily at Service people but is open to anyone who has been concerned with the Harrier. Go to the website,, for full details of what they offer, and to register. Chris Farara
On Wed 9 November Andy Jones will talk on the Traumas of Ferry Flying. There will be an Extaordinary General meeting of the Association at 2pm before the talk Meeting Agenda. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.
On 2 November David Hassard gave a very interesting talk to the Friends of Kingston Museum and Heritage Service on the history of ‘The Great Aircraft Factory’ at the Kingston Museum; it was very popular. There was a long queue at the opening time of 6:30pm and unfortunately the Art Gallery can only accommodate 60 people; 55 had to be turned away.
On Wed 12 October Alan Millican will talk on ‘And we built aircraft’ (‘Poacher turned Gamekeeper’). There will NOT be a committee meeting in the morning.
On 22 September the Association had an excellent visit to Airfix. More, pictures on Picasa Web Allbums
On 22 September there is a Visit to Airfix (Hornby, how to find) at Margate organise by Ken Batstone (01932 229938). The coach is fully booked and will be leaving the YMCA Hawker Centre at 9:00.
On Wed 14 September there will be a social with a video. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.
On 4 September TECT (Typhoon Entente Cordiale Trust) are hosting ‘TECT and Typhoons with Shuttleworth’ at Old Warden. It includes their AGM, a talk on Typhoons over Libya, lunch and a flying display; booking is essential. Details. UPDATE; sadly due to lack of support (a competing event at Duxford, declining serviceable veterans, and absence of Typhoon guys flying sorties over Libya) we have fallen below Shuttleworth's magic number of 30 for sole hire of hangar, special lunch and bar. We shall have a TECT presence in Hangar 5, with banners/posters/tea/coffee and a welcome, plus a reserved table in the public self service canteen for those who wish to join us. Any Hawker Association members who may have bought tickets will get an automatic refund. But will have to pay at the gate, if they still wish to attend, and we should of course be delighted to see them. Circumstances beyond our control. With many apologies. David Ince
19 August BAe P.1216 Supersonic ASTOVL Project.
Mike Pryce's new book has just been published. Details may be found on website from which it can be ordered at £9.95.
Newsletter Editor Chris Farara has read a preview copy and recommends the book highly. It is a very well illustrated and detailed account of Kingston's last major ASTOVL project. Several Members, including Ralph Hooper, assisted Mike with their first-
Members will remember Mike's excellent talks to the Association so know his thorough approach and easy style. Stories of talks; Beyond the Harrier, Kingston's Projected Harrier Successors, Testing V/STOL Projects.
On 13th July, James Hill, Chairman of the Gas Turbine Builders Association, spoke to the Hawker Association about the design, manufacture and operation of miniature gas turbine engines for model aircraft, boats, cars and railway locomotives. More Newsletter Story
On Wed 13 July James Hill will talk on Miniature gas turbines. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.
10 July Sadly we report that Selwyn Smith died on the 7th July. The funeral will be at Mortlake Crematorium at 11.30 am on 20th July.
On 8 June The Hawker Centre prepared masses of excellent food for the BBQ; the best yet. Unfortunately soon after they started serving there was heavy rain; the food was quickly moved indoors and was enjoyed by 36 members. Some photos are here. I recommend selecting Slide show; use the arrow keys to change photo. If you have some better ones that can be added please let Richard Cannon know on 01932 786636.
On Wed 8 June there will be the annual BBQ starting at 13:00; note the earlier time. Book with Ken Batstone, by 1st June, on 01932 229938, details. There will NOT be a committee meeting in the morning.
On Wed 11 May Mat Potulski will talk on Hawker Hunter Aviation There will be a committee meeting in the morning.
30 Apr Two new online accounts have been created for the Association. A Google account for Picasa web albums and some photos have been added. A Twitter account (Micro blog) with the content displaying on this page.
On Wed 13 April there is the Annual General Meeting; please support your Association. After the formal AGM business is completed videos will be shown. Notice of AGM and Membership renewal form as a PDF document. There will be a committee meeting in the morning.
On Wednesday 9th March David Hassard will give a talk on ‘A picture's worth 10,000 words’. There will be a be a committee meeting in the morning.
23 Feb Newsletter 29 (Spring) is available online.
On Wednesday 9th February Graham Tomlinson, our last Chief Test Pilot at Dunsfold, will talk on his experiences of Flight Testing the STOVL version of Joint Strike Fighter in the USA. There will be a be a committee meeting in the morning.
The BAES Retirement Association Kingston has been mentioned at meetings. They meet at the Kingston Working Men’s Club & Institute, 25 Old London Road near the row of old style phone boxes, on the first Tuesday of the month (not January) at 1pm. Pension updates are very useful and there are activities like Bingo, Countdown and Quizzes.
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Hunter One -
Sea Harrier Spares Art Nalls who is going to fly Sea Harrier XZ439 on the US air show circuit wonders if anyone has any suitable spares hiding in tool boxes or desk drawers. If you have please e-
The BAES Retirement Association Kingston has been mentioned at meetings. They meet at the Kingston Working Men’s Club & Institute, 25 Old London Road near the row of old style phone boxes, on the first Tuesday of the month (not January) at 1pm. Pension updates are very useful and there are activities like Bingo, Countdown and Quizzes.