Open the Hawker Association home page in a new window, includes menu banner

This web site has been developed and is maintained by Richard Cannon primarily to provide an additional communication and information channel for The Hawker Association.

Since its creation in 2003 until August 2018 it has been hosted on the web space include with my TalkTalk broadband. They gave me 2 weeks notice that it was being discontinued.

Member John Gardner offered me spare web space he had on; many thanks for being a big help. If anything isn’t working please let me know; if am not told I can’t fix it.  

Generally whenever anything on the site is updated the update date in the top banner is changed to the date of the latest change to any page.

The webmaster is not artistic so pages are plain and might benefit from more colour and pictures, but they load very fast.

Most pages are in a two column format that should give easier reading but generally the first column is made short to avoid scrolling with 800x600 video resolution and F11 pressed to maximise the display area.

The computer tools used are:- The Komposer HTML editor and Serif WebPlus. Files are uploaded to the server using Filezilla or WebPlus.

About This Web Site updated 14Aug18

Richard would like to receive news of any problems with this site or other comments and suggestions by e-mail using the link in the banner.. Except for in the banner, which is especially coded, e-mail address are not given images rather than links due problems with spam. The link in the banner will not display if JavaScipt is disabled.


With most browsers pressing F11 expands the window to full screen allowing more of a page to be seen, press F11 again to return to normal view; to see even more right click the tool bar and select Autohide. Also you can drag the banner border up to just leave the menu showing.

If pages don't seem to be updating to the latest version try right clicking it (not the banner) and select Refresh, if that doesn't work try holding the Control key down while selecting refresh or press Ctrl+Shift+Delete and Clear just Cached data and files.

The right side of pages are often clipped when printed. Rather than using the Print command or Print Icon try clicking in a page to select it, then use File>Print Preview and choose Only selected frame, also Firefox has a print selected frame.