
Programme of Events 2024 updated 6Mar2024

    At 14:00 on the second Wednesday of each month there will be a meeting, normally at the YMCA Hawker (was the Hawker Sports and Social Club), Lower Ham Road, Kingston on Thames, Kingston, KT2 5BH unless indicated otherwise. 
There is a well stocked bar, and good inexpensive lunches and snacks are available. We hope members will avail themselves of these. There is plenty of free parking space.Most talks should also be available by Zoom with notification and registration by email.
 Hawker Centre

2024 PROGRAMME Provisional (TBA To be Arranged, TBC To Be Confirmed)
Wednesday 10  January
 Rear Admiral David Snelson RN – HMS Five Ark Royals
Wednesday 14 February
 Nick Anderson - Life In A Hornet’s Nest – Flying the F/A18 Hornet with the RAAF
Wednesday 13 March
 Anthony Inglis - “Nine Pilots - One Family”
Wednesday 10 April
Wednesday 8 May
 Tony Buttler – Flight Test Aircrafts
Wednesday 12 June
Wednesday 10 July
 Joe Marsden - The Falklands Mission
Wednesday 21 August
 Visit to XX154 first flight event at BDAC (Boscombe Down Aviation Colection), Old Sarum
11th Sept/9th Oct/ or 13th Nov
 Chris Wilson – JetArt – TBA
Wednesday 11 December
 Christmas Lunch

Speaker Profiles



     Tony Buttler is a leading aviation history writer. 
    General note. It is planned that meetings will be both live and by Zoom but may be affected by the Covid situation.
Members will be kept informed by e-mail (as long as the Secretary has your address!).

    The next speaker is first in the list; after the event the speaker will be moved to the end of the list.
    S/Ldr Joe Marsden
    Anthony Inglis is one of the UKs most popular conductors. His family has supplied 9 distinguished pilots to the RAF.